Pipeline cohort file

A pipeline cohort file defines the experimental sample – the set of subjects that the pipeline should process.

The cohort file is formatted as .csv and contains:

  • A column corresponding to each category of input
  • A header naming each category of input
  • A row corresponding to each subject


Cohort files can usually be prepared using a simple command-line call. The contents of a cohort file will vary depending upon:

  • The imaging modality
  • The experimental objective
  • Available inputs

Examples for a few common processing cases are provided below.

Subject identifiers

In general, all cohort files should contain a unique set of identifier variables for each unique subject. The pipeline system uses identifier variables to generate a unique output path for each input. To cast a cohort field as an identifier, give it the name id<i> in the cohort header, where <i> is a nonnegative integer. In the illustrative example, id0 might correspond to the subject’s identifier, id1 to the time point (as in a longitudinal study). So sub-01,ses-01 would denote the first session for subject 001. These can also be used to denote multiple runs in the same session, as sub-01,ses-01,run-01. Note that these do not get automatically added to paths when xcp is looking for files.:


Guidelines and specifications

  • There are no upper or lower limits to the number of identifier variables that can be provided, but in general it is recommended that they be ordered hierarchically. That is, subject should precede time point and not the other way around.
  • Identifiers can comprise any combination of alphanumeric characters and underscores. Any other characters should be excised or mapped to the set of valid characters.

Path definitions

Paths defined in a cohort file can be specified either as absolute paths or as relative paths. For portability, relative path definitions are recommended where possible. If relative paths are provided, then the call to xcpEngine should include the -r flag, which accepts as its argument the path relative to which cohort paths were defined. For instance, the provided example would yield a value of /data/example/derivatives/fmriprep/sub-01/ses-01/anat/sub-01_ses-01_T1w.nii.gz for img.:

-r /data/example/derivatives/fmriprep



This is particularly useful for using directories mounted in Singularity.

Anatomical processing: Already done by FMRIPREP

If you aren’t interested in getting structural measurements (volume, etc) or using a custom template, you can skip this step entirely and go to Functional processing. However, if you want to use a custom template you’ll need to make sure to have T1w in your --output-spaces list when you run FMRIPREP. For anatomical processing, the cohort file is quite minimal: only the subject’s anatomical image is required in addition to the set of identifiers. The subject’s anatomical image should receive the header img. Anatomical processing must occur after ``FMRIPREP`` and before functional processing.:


Again, the structural pipeline is not necessary to run the functional pipeline in most cases.

Functional processing

Directly using preprocessed BOLD data from ``FMRIPREP``

To operate directly on the output from FMRIPREP the cohort file is very simple. The subject identifier variables are specified, followed by the path to the output image from FMRIPREP. These can be in any volumetric output space (T1w, template). Here is an example:


After running the xcp structural pipeline

There are two ways that the cohort file for the functional processing stream can be specified. In the case where the T1w-space output from FMRIPREP (requires that --output-spaces included T1w in your FMRIPREP call) was processed with the XCP anatomical stream, you need to specify the directory where that output exists. An example cohort file for this use case would look like:


The first line of this cohort file would process the image ${DATA_ROOT}/sub-01/ses-01/func/sub-01_ses-01_task-rest_space-T1w_desc-preproc_bold.nii.gz.

ASL processing

The ASL processing requires ASL image, M0 scan for caibration (if available). In the absence of M0 scan, the average control volumes is used as reference or M0 scan (scale=1). The ASL processing requires anatomical processing directory of either FMRIPREP or the struc: module of xcpEngine. Here is an example of cohort file with anatomical directory of FMRIPREP.:


With the struc: directory of the xcpEngine output, the cohort file is shown below.:


Without struc: or anatomical directory of FMRIPREP, the anatomical image can be included in the design file.:


Subject variables

Each of the columns in the cohort file becomes a subject variable at runtime. Subject variables can be used in the design to assign a parameter subject-specific values. For instance, to use a custom task file for a subject the task_design parameter in the struc can be assigned the fsf subject variable. To indicate that the assignment is a subject variable, include the array index [sub] in the variable’s name as shown.:
