
scorescrub module detects and discards oultier cbf volumes and robust Bayesian estimation of CBF by removing the white noise as opposed to outlier rejection. It requires prior run of cbf module


The threshold for structural probabilty maps. The default is 0.90.::

Expected output

The main outputs are::
  • prefix_cbfscore.nii.gz # mean score cbf
  • prefix_cbfscore_ts.nii.gz # cbf time series after discarding the volumes that might contribute to artifact
  • prefix_cbfscoreR.nii.gz # relative mean score cbf
  • prefix_cbfscoreZ.nii.gz # zscore mean score cbf
  • prefix_cbfsrub.nii.gz # mean scrub cbf
  • prefix_cbfscrubR.nii.gz # relative mean scrub cbf
  • prefix_cbfscrubZ.nii.gz # zscore mean scrub cbf
  • prefix_sub-1_cbfscore_tsnr.nii.gz # temporal signal to noise ratio of cbf score