
Functional connectivity can be a powerful approach to studying the brain, but must be used carefully. Numerous artifacts can affect the quality of your results. Our approach is to first preprocess fMRI data using FMRIPREP to quantify head motion and other confounds, then to use these estimates in xcpEngine to denoise the fMRI signal and estimate functional connectivity.

To process your data from scanner to analysis, the steps are generally

  1. Convert data from DICOMS to a BIDS-compliant format
  2. Run FMRIPREP on the BIDS-compliant data set (fmriprep)
  3. Run xcpEngine to estimate some of many possible measures

Steps 1 and 2 are well-documented and have active developers who can help you through these steps; this documentation will help you get started with step 3 (xcpEngine).


The easiest way to use xcpEngine on your laptop or personal computer is to install Docker and the xcpEngine python wrapper. Ensure that Docker has access to at least 8GB of memory. If you are on an HPC system where you cannot run Docker, you can use Singularity. Be sure one of these is installed and then install the xcpEngine container wrapper using Python: Then install the wrapper using:

pip install xcpengine-container

Once this completes you can run xcpEngine without explicitly running Docker:

xcpengine-docker \
  -d /xcpEngine/designs/fc-36p.dsn \
  -c /path/to/cohort.csv \
  -r /path/to/data/directory \
  -i /path/to/workingdir \
  -o /path/to/outputdir

or Singularity:

xcpengine-singularity \
  --image /path/to/xcpEngine.simg \
  -d /xcpEngine/designs/fc-36p.dsn \
  -c /path/to/cohort.csv \
  -r /path/to/data/directory \
  -i /path/to/workingdir \
  -o /path/to/outputdir

Continue reading to learn about the arguments and be sure to use the correct executable

Getting started

Once your data is processed by FMRIPREP you are ready to use xcpEngine. FMRIPREP can write preprocessed data out in multiple spaces. At the moment, xcpEngine only supports volume data, meaning that T1w and MNI152NLin2009cAsym are the only usable options for FMRIPREP’s --output-spaces flag. Either is a viable starting point. Choosing MNI152NLin2009cAsym is the most straightforward route, but T1w adds the possibility of using a custom template for normalization. Here we’ll assume you want to process data that has already been resampled in MNI space (i.e. --output-spaces MNI152NLin2009cAsym was part of your FMRIPREP call) and you’re running on your laptop with Docker installed.

Step 1: Create a cohort file

xcpEngine reads images and metadata from a user-provided csv file called a Pipeline cohort file. Briefly, the cohort file should contain subject metadata (without special shell characters) in id columns and paths to images written by FMRIPREP in the img column. In this example use case, the cohort file might be saved as /home/me/cohort.csv and contain:


We recommend making the paths relative to the --output-dir you used for FMRIPREP.

Step 2: Choose/Configure a Pipeline design

Not all functional connectivity pipelines are equally effective at addressing systematic noise and artifacts. Many papers have proposed different denoising strategies, which may vary in effectiveness. xcpEngine has many of the top performing de-noising strategies implemented available as Pipeline design file that can specify the processing stages and calculation of output measures.

A library of pipelines comes pre-packaged with xcpEngine and are described in the accompanying paper. We test these design files before distributing xcpengine and recommend using them as-is. Changes may produce poor-quality results.

These are pre-packaged in the images in /xcpEngine/designs and a full list can be found in the GitHub repository (https://github.com/PennBBL/xcpEngine/tree/master/designs). These designs implement the processing pipelines found in the following table:


Available pipeline designs


The poor-performance pipelines are not included. Also, you will need to adjust the thresholds for rmss for your TR (Temporal Censoring) if you’re using a pre-packaged design file.

Step 3: Process your data

To run your pipeline with Docker simply:

xcpengine-docker \
  -c /home/me/cohort.csv \
  -d /xcpEngine/designs/fc-36p.dsn \
  -i /home/me/work \
  -o /home/me/xcpOutput \
  -r /home/me/fmriprep_outputdir/fmriprep

Very similarly, the command for Singularity is:

xcpengine-singularity \
  --image /home/me/xcpEngine-latest.simg \
  -c /home/me/cohort.csv \
  -d /xcpEngine/designs/fc-36p.dsn \
  -i /home/me/work \
  -o /home/me/xcpOutput \
  -r /home/me/fmriprep_outputdir/fmriprep

Your outputs will be located on your computer in /home/me/xcpOutput and are ready for testing hypotheses!